5 Things You Can Do NOW To Secure Your Facebook Account

May 15, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

1. Update Your Contact Information

A fairly easy way to recover your Facebook password is through alternative contact information, such as email addresses and mobile phone numbers. Obviously, this only works if you have access to the respective accounts. Thus you should make sure your contact information is up to date.
The most simply way to receive an overview of your current contact information is on your About / Info page. The direct link is facebook.com/your_username/info. In the bottom right you should see a box called Contact Info. If the information is incomplete or no longer up to date, click the Edit button to update it. Remove any email addresses or phone numbers that are out of date and add your current email addresses and mobile phone numbers.

how to secure facebook

When you attempt to edit your contact information, you will be re-directed to the respective section in your General Account Settings, which you can also access directly to update your data. You can update your email address/es here and your mobile phone number/
To change your personal data, you need to enter your Facebook password. This ensures that no one can change your information if you forget to log yourself out. When you add an email address, a confirmation will be sent to your primary address. As a security precaution, this confirmation includes a link that allows you to cancel the request of adding a new email. In other words, having an email address on record means you are doubly secured, as you will be notified of changes and can prevent them, while at the same time being able to use that address to recover access to your account.

how to secure facebook page
To add a mobile phone number, you will be instructed to send a text message to a Facebook number. A confirmation code will be returned to your mobile, which you need to enter on Facebook to verify that you own the respective phone number. Note that this only works with selected carriers and if your mobile carrier is supported, they will charge a fee for sending the text message.
how to secure facebook page
Your personal contact information can later be used to recover your account, as explained in this article: How To Recover Your Facebook Account When You Can No Longer Log In How To Recover Your Facebook Account When You Can No Longer Log In How To Recover Your Facebook Account When You Can No Longer Log In Has your Facebook account been hacked or did you forget your password and can no longer access it? You're not alone. 

2. Enable Secure Browsing

Facebook can be browsed using a secure connection. While this adds an extra layer of security, the secure connection (HTTPS) is not enabled by default. Go to General Account Settings, click the Security tab on the left-hand side, then click the Edit button to the right of Secure Browsing to access the respective option, or simply.

how to secure facebook page
If you are wondering about the benefit of HTTPS and how it works, you may be interested in this article: What Is HTTPS & How To Enable Secure Connections Per Default. What Is HTTPS & How To Enable Secure Connections Per Default What Is HTTPS & How To Enable Secure Connections Per Default Security concerns are spreading far and wide and have reached the forefront of most everybody's mind. Terms like antivirus or firewall are no longer strange vocabulary and are not only understood, but also used by...

3. Update Your Password

One of the biggest risks for getting your account hacked, is having a weak password or using the same password for all your online accounts. Moreover, you should regularly update your password.
. Enter your current password, followed by entering your new password twice. Click Save Changes and don’t forget to update your password manager or note down your password in a secure place, for example a non-digital address book. 4 Open Source Password Managers To Keep Your Passwords Safe 4 Open Source Password Managers To Keep Your Passwords Safe Even if you’re accustomed to your beloved and convenient commercial password manager, it’s probably not a bad idea to try other ultra secure applications that offer some of the same features and risk less at...
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4. Enable Login Notifications

To be notified of logins to your Facebook account via email or text message, go to Security Settings as described above and click the respective option or click here.
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5. Enable Login Approvals

To make it extra hard for someone else to falsely log into your Facebook account, you can enable login approvals. This means that every time anyone (even you) wants to log into your Facebook account from a device that was not authorized previously, they will be asked to enter a security code. This code will be sent to your primary mobile number via SMS. Note that this option only becomes fully active after one week. In the meantime it can easily be disabled without actually entering any security codes.
To enable Login Approvals, go to Security Settings as described above and click the respective option or click here. If your browser settings will prevent the option from working reliably, for example because it is set to clear cookies on logout, a respective error message will be displayed. Otherwise, you will see the notification shown below. After reading and understanding it, click on Set Up Now to proceed.
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A security code will be sent to your primary mobile phone number. Enter the code to activate login approvals.

Note that you need to update your mobile settings, should you change your phone. Otherwise, you can always log in using a previously recognized computer.
how to secure facebook
In a subsequent step, you can also set up a Code Generator for your mobile, to create security codes directly on your smartphone. This option is available for Android only. For this you will need to install the app Facebook for Android. How to set up and use Code Generator will be subject of a different article.