How To Attract Free Traffic From Facebook?

May 18, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Looking for a huge traffic for your blog? Then you really need to be friends with Social Networks, especially Facebook! Whether it’s a school going lad or a Rich Businessman, people all around the world have now one platform in common and that is, undoubtedly, The Facebook. According the latest statistics, there are above 9 million active users that log in to their accounts on daily basis. Just imagine how large your potential traffic would be, if you learnt the art of diverting some juice of the Facebook Traffic to your blog.
Here are 5 simple things you need to do and you will see how Facebook will work out for you and for your Blog.

Create an Attractive Fan Page

It is a must-to-do task for all the bloggers to create a Facebook Fan page the moment you are done with the final touches of your blog construction. Fan Pages work like a magic in this case. It plays multiple roles for you where you really do not have to invest anything but only some time. If your blog has a Fan page on Facebook, it will automatically market your blog, promoting your niche. This is to keep in mind that your potential readers are in search of such fan pages now because they find it easier to keep a track of latest happenings in that domain via Facebook, which is their must-to-check platform. By creating your blog’s Fan page, you are actually letting the world know that your blog exists.
I stated “Attractive” in my caption here, and I’ m sure you are wise enough to understand its significance. You need to ask yourself that what you really want your potential traffic to assume about your blog from its fan Page. Always give a savvy look to your page, giving it a professional, yet effective look so that the ones, who visit it, get curious enough to find more about you.
Choose and appropriate display picture that somehow is related to your blog with a well selected cover photo. You are required to be extra careful about the description that you give about your blog, because that is the second introduction of your blog, first being the layout and title of your fan page.

Share Quality Content-regularly!

Creating a Fan Page gives you no surety that a single visitor would visit your site, until and unless you work truly hard to keep your fan page active. It’s your hard work on your Fan Page that decides how many potential followers will follow you to your blog.
To keep your page lively, take help of some popular images, share videos that might grab huge lot of followers to your page. You must do some searching to share unusual facts on your Fan page, take an example of “what the fuck Facts” page. Go through it thoroughly and you will see that the posts its admin shares with the followers are way too interesting for them, so much so that within the first minute of its post, there are above 100 likes for it. However, thinking from an admin perspective, you need to work really hard, bringing out your creativity to share things that people do not know and what to learn more about them via your Page.
Once you get a hold of few followers, you have now a bigger objective to deal with. Be creative enough and generate your own content related to your niche. Promote your ideas on your forum and let people know what you blog actually is.
Link your Blog with your Fan page and always add a “Facebook Like” widget in your blog. This is important enough not to be missed! Like your posts on your blog and share your articles on Facebook as soon as it gets published.

Play With Timings-Enjoy More Traffic

When you start a business, you do not expect the profit the same day, right? Now as you have chosen blogging as your career, deal it as a business, where you are the boss and the employee, both! Be calculative enough and examine what would be the right time to take new steps in the blog promotion policy. It is obvious that none of the 9 million users would start following you the next day when you would share statuses like, “view my blog”, “I m a blogger”, “visit my site and follow it”, isn’t it? You need to work on framing your goals, like let’s say, you share entertaining facts, images, videos, etc, on your page till it gets a hold on follower above 500.
The next step could be sharing same things related to your niche, till you do not reach to thousands of followers. Slowly and gradually, you can start tagging your images, add URL of your blog directly on your fan page. You need to keep your page active an interesting, so that people who log in to their accounts at any time of day finds you in recent updates.

Apply Techniques to Attract Followers

You might be new to this blogging world, but the fact is that there are thousands of other blogs having same niche as yours. A good approach to get best results in no time is to interact actively on other fan Pages having the same domain. Comment there, share your points, encourage the admin. Once you come into the limelight, the followers of that page will start recognizing you. Now that when you will introduce your page to these pages, people would love to know more about what you have to share.

Make Sure You Do Your Homework daily!

What happens to a room, when left unclean for several of days? You know that! Treat your Page as your belonging which needs to be nurtured daily. Following the tip number 4, there are equal chances that other bloggers might use your fan page to promote their work by diverting your followers. A good solution here is to monitor your fan page daily to keep a check of such postings which, if found, should be deleted.
These five tips are must-to-apply to attract a considerable traffic to your blog, as well as to earn popularity along with money for your blog. Facebook has done wonders for bloggers by now, and we wish you all the very best with this too!