15 Key Features of Facebook’s Timeline Layout for Pages

May 20, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Here are some of the key features of Facebook’s Page layout for businesses:
Facebook Timeline Features

1. Cover Photo

This is the first thing people will see when they visit your page.  The photo (851 x 315 pixels) can be changed as often as you’d like, and is a great way to provide some branding to your page and express some creativity while showcasing your company and its products & services.

2. Profile Photo

Your profile photo (180 x 180 pixels) represents your page on other parts of Facebook, in ads, sponsored stories, and the news feed.  This will typically be a company logo and should scale well from 180 x 180 pixels to 32 x 32 pixels.

3. Page Title, Likes & People Talking About This

View your most important stats such as the number of Likes, People Talking About This, and Check-ins at a glance.

4. About

The About information has been revamped and provides a brief overview with a link to detailed information, as well as your hours of operation, phone number, address, services, and price range of products and services.

5. Photos & Apps

Your photos and three custom apps now appear at the top of the page (the remaining apps can be viewed by clicking on the arrow to the right of the 3 app boxes).  The app images can be customized under “Manage” in “Edit Page” in the admin panel, and the order in which they appear is sortable.

6. Composer

The composer is the best way to reach your audience across Facebook and drive engagement.  It also now includes a Milestone feature (see Feature #10 for more details).

7. Pinned Posts

The most important stories can be “pinned” or anchored to the top of your Page for up to seven days.

8. Larger Stories

Photos, videos, and link stories are now larger, which is meant to help drive engagement.

9. Starred & Hidden Stories

Important stories can be highlighted with the star icon.  Stories that aren’t as engaging or relevant can be hidden or deleted by using the pencil icon.

10. Milestones

Milestones can be set to define your key moments over time.  Examples might include reaching a certain number of fans, winning an award, launching a new product, etc.  Milestone photos are 843 x 403 pixels.

11. Friend Activity

People will see stories about how their friends are interacting with your page throughout your Page’s timeline.

12. Admin Panel

There is now an admin panel at the top of all Pages which offers a snapshot of all Page engagement, including: Notifications, Insights, Messages, new Likes, and Page Tips.

13. Activity Log

An activity log allows you to view all of your stories and posts by year, star, hide or delete stories, and change the dates of your posts.

14. Date Selector

Visitors to your Page will be able to navigate to different dates and sections of your Page timeline easily.

15. Larger App Width (not shown on diagram)

If you have custom tabs, the Page app width can now be adjusted to be “Narrow” (520 px) or “Wide” (810px) in the Developer App under “Edit App”.