12 Logical Reasons Why Facebook Bought Instagram for $1 Billion

May 18, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

If you are a Facebook User and You are keen to know what forced the Giant Facebook to invest $1 Billion in getting its hands on Instagram, you are at the right place because, even we had been working hard to actually settle down with a piece of research behind this. Oh yes, for those who do not yet know the big news of the Social Media Market, Facebook has actually acquired Instagram App for $1 Billion. Having been talk much about the news itself, here are some of the actual Logical reasons that are behind this big deal. Have a look!

Right Investment at right time

As the logic goes on and on for centuries if you get a look at the success stories of Millionaires, there is one thing in common, all of them have make big acquiring decisions at the nght time and those who did not, had to suffer just like Yahoo and Nokia. There is no doubt that Facebook has captured the huge market and the remaining one was busy instagramming their pictures and statuses. Facebook has been keen to make big move by including it under the same umbrella

A move faster than Google

As per the authorities, there was a huge chance of Google making the best deal out of Instagram but Facebook played a sharp move and purchased it before it could.

Instagram was Popular

out of the many available opportunities and competitors among the Photosharing network, Insta stood high and very highl Think about the power of the sea where two rivers meet, same seems true here too

Instagram was a Facebook Escape

Insta and facebook
If you are one of those people who preferred to share their photos on Instagram applying all the major filters, and avoided sharing the pictures on Facebook due to the reasons of your own. Here you go! You tried escaping it and finally, it comes to you again!

Facebook had the money in hand for the acquisition

Facebook bought instagram
Unlike many companies which have to go through ha senous discussion and financial work out before making a big purchase of $1 billion, Facebook already had the 4th multiple of the amount in hand, so to be honest, what could have stopped it to buy Instagram!

30 Million Hipsters for $1 Billion

What more to be explained on this? For sure, getting 30 Million of organic traffic is a deal to invest in.

Photo Filters now available on Facebook too

Good things come together, talking about the positive aspect of it, the filters loved by the audience of Instagram will now be available on Facebook too, as per Mark Zuckerberg. This means you can now enjoy the same sissy filters on Facebook as well.

Facebook Mobile App Sucked- REALLY?

As per the deep down root cause analysis, it was interesting to find that many of the Facebook users actually hated the app for the bugs and issues that it had as a bi-product and for that reason, preferred to make Instagram as the queen of their smartphones. Facebook has actually addressed this flaw in a great way!

Two Platforms-Two Apps- More Ads- More Money!

Instagram ads andmoney
Woah! Yes off course, why would Facebook only do such a massive investment without expecting a great turn back? Of course there will now be more ads that would generate a huge amount of many from both of the channels, Smart, isn’t it?

The majestic Filters of instagram

The filters are important enough to be considered mentioning as a separate point. Giving a timeline look to your pictures, Instagram has a huge variety of modes that make your memory even more beautiful in Pictures. Now Facebook will also offer the same to its users! Hip Hip Hooray!

It is simple and Compact

Insta is simple and honestly speaking, you have a lot less to do while using Insta rather than uploading a picture on Facebook.

Privacy at its best!

Facebook is great place to be on when it comes to your social media existence but thanks to the e-marketing, it is more like a commercial market arena for many of the people. For people who love to be precise, Instagram is a good place to share pictures with privacy.
So what do you think about it? Share your views!