How to receive Email updates from your favourite Facebook Fan Pages?

May 18, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Facebook page email updatesFacebook is not only a great way to connect with your friends, but also to follow people, products, services, or companies that you like. I, for one, like to check my Facebook news feed mostly for updates, news or announcements from the pages I like. And I follow the pages and like and find useful, such as AutoDesk, O’Reilly Media, Mashable, and so on. People also follow pages for the sake of entertainment. So wouldn’t it be nice to receive email updates fro the pages you really like? Facebook has become so crowded these days that people often end up liking more pages than they want. So receiving emails from selected pages that you find useful can be handy.
Following fan pages can reap you many rewards. Besides being updated about the latest new and happenings, and getting valuable tips, you can also avail some benefits. For example, if you become a fan of iTunes on Facebook, you are entitled to download 20 songs for free! And recently, Avira gave away some iPads and smartphones to some of their ans via a lucky draw! hence, you can do more than just stay updated on Facebook.

Due to the growth of Facebook Marketing, the number of fan pages on Facebook are growing. And so is the number of people on Facebook. And since fan pages act just like Facebook friends, i.e. their updates appear in news feed, more and more people’s home pages are getting swamped. So if someone liked Intel’s page to get latest news, they might not always see those news because of the so many other friends they have and the fan pages they have liked. 
Facebook also ruffled some feathers recently, and now, around 10% of the fans of a page will get the updates. This puts users in a some problem because they want to stay updated. One option is to bookmark those pages. But a more efficient solution would be to subscribe for email updates.

Subscribing for email updates

NutShellMail is a really simple and easy to use tool that will give you updates from your favorite fan pages. All you need to do is, just connect with your Facebook account. They also cover Twitter, so you can subscribe for tweets as well. But staying on topic, you can choose all your Facebook fan pages to get updates from. We recommend that you use selected pages only though, since that is the whole point of subscribing for email updates. You don’t want anyone to flood your email inbox.


NutShellMail will take snapshots of your favorite pages daily and send them to you. That way, you won’t miss anything important. Currently, they are working on excluding user comments from those snaps. If you don’t want snapshots, you should choose the RSS option. You can read them via any RSS reader service such as Google Reader. Happy reading