May 18, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Facebook launched, “Facebook Timeline by the end of September 2011. This Timeline replaced the default profile that used to show the most recent updates, with a timeline summary of your entire life (photos, videos, status updates) since your birth on Facebook in a hierarchal manner. It must be noticed here that almost all the other social networks somehow present the profile page in a similar way as that of Facebook’s previous version was. Facebook Timeline has totally changed the outlook of imagining a Social Profile!

However, Facebook often takes decisions ignoring user feedback. Even in this case when the Layout was going to be transformed as a whole, there were no feedback operations to ask users about their likes and dislikes concerned with the new timeline Design. Despite of Facebook’s goodwill, its Users have a love-hate relationship with Facebook-Timeline. Where it’s over view impress the users in the first place, it becomes a nuisance for some of them within no time. But once you opt for it, there’s no way out!

Did you ever think of removing this new timeline? Well, you simply can’t do that. Here are some reasons for why can’t you remove or undo the Timeline View.

1. To avoid Algorithm clash

Facebook Timeline presents all the layouts in same design structures to make it easy to organize the data. Same techniques are used now without the need of two different ways for the arrangement and display of a similar data. The Timeline Prevents the ambiguities with this thought, it came into being.

2. Challenge to its competitor

Google-Plus-vs-Facebook-TimelineFacebook believes in uniqueness and with the advent of Google +, its integrity was in threat with the launch of Google + last July. Google + almost offers all the features as of Facebook, like circles and video conferencing. Facebook, knowing about these developments was wise enough to communicate to its users that Facebook offers much different social touch to its users’ profile. We should not forget that something as big as Facebook believes in the principle of keeping an eagle’s eye on its competitor. This is what i-marketing is all about.

3. To Prevent Psychological Confusion

Removing the timeline would have given a hard time to almost all the users, making it difficult to follow two different formats at the same time. Imagine if your friend would have undo his timeline, it would have been difficult for you to identify his profile as yours. The simplicity, design and structure of the entire profile would have then been in jeopardy. Options that are placed at your top would have been placed in your friend’s left. People would have found Facebook using a mess, and would have encouraged them to look for simple alternatives.


To be brief, Facebook timeline is something that has been imposed on Facebook Users without considering their likes and dislikes, simply ignoring their willingness in this thought. Please do share your views and experiences about this latest shock Facebook has launched. Let’s hope that in a few days something better and more comfortable will be offered by the Facebook. For now, start enduring this timeline and enjoy the cover photos of yours and your friends ‘ profile!