Facebook promotes ‘Start to Success’ program, offering a dedicated account manager

May 18, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Something advertisers and marketers have craved from Facebook is here: a direct line to a Facebook representative, through the Start to Success program.
The catch? You’ve got to devote $50 per day to Facebook advertising for a month (at least $1,400 total over the four-week period).
Many admins saw a prompt atop their page dashboard, asking if they want help with growing their page through Facebook. The link leads page owners to a form where they can sign up for Start to Success. A Facebook spokesperson said this program has been around, but now Facebook is making more of an effort to promote it.
Look below for the description of the program, which offers a dedicated Facebook account manager.

Start to Success is a program to help new advertisers succeed on Facebook. This program is free for businesses who’ll invest $50 or more per day on their Facebook Ads for 4 weeks. During this time a dedicated Facebook account manager will make sure you get the most out of your investment by:
  • Developing a customized strategy for advertising on Facebook
  • Guiding you through the process of creating targeted ads
  • Helping you track and optimize your campaign’s performance
While it appears targeted at new advertisers, this could be a great program for current or past advertisers who have struggled or hit roadblocks. We’ve reached out to Facebook seeking more information and will update the story when we know more.
Readers: What do you think about this program?
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