The Countdown To The End Of Facebook Has Begun

May 18, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

The end of Facebook and its demise will come at the hands of Snapchat. Many of you reading this have no idea how to use Snapchat because you’ve likely just recently got the hang of Facebook and that’s okay. Snapchat is like every other social media platform, in that, it has its own language. You have to learn how to communicate with the medium to understand it completely.  It’s not impossible to learn but it will take a little getting used to.

The biggest differences between Facebook and Snapchat is longevity and friend connections. On Facebook, you’re faced with friend requests can come from anyone who sees your name, page or has a mutual friend with you. Heck, in some cases, Facebook suggests people you may know. Not Snapchat. For the most part, Snapchat is based off of the people whose phone numbers you have saved in your phone.  Therefore, the people on your Snapchat feed are people that you’ve had a REAL connection with at some point or another. This makes the experience much more personal. As for longevity, Facebook keeps everything and as far back as someone is willing to scroll down your page they will find stuff to look at but not with Snapchat. Snapchat gives you 24 hours of posts or 10 seconds of posts and that’s it. There’s no page to stalk, there are no likes or shares, just content. You just look, laugh, cry, enjoy and move on with your life.
If you want to have a one-on-one conversation with someone on your Snapchat friends can do that too. But again, unlike Facebook, it’s not going to happen with a stranger and it’s NOT going to be saved for eternity.

All of these reasons are what will lead the ultimate demise of Facebook. Facebook will become a place for old friends and will work as an electronic photo album. It’s place you can store your pictures and interact with your elder family members and/or strangers. You may even get some of your news from Facebook but now that Snapchat is growing in popularity…you CAN get your news from Snapchat. You can watch TV clips, music videos, news stories and videos from all across the world on Snapchat. Facebook allows you to do that but not with the ease of Snapchat.
Snap is worth billions at this point and it’s worth continues to grow more and more every day. You know that Snapchat has arrived because the celebrities are now on it and using it every day. They communicate with their fans in a unique way that Facebook and Twitter can’t compete with….they shoot FROM their phone directly to YOUR phone. Luke Bryan, Kevin Hart, Dj Khaled and Brett Eldredge  are some of my favorites to follow.

The point is this, at some point Facebook was going to lose its grasp on pop culture and it’s finally happening.  One thing is certain about social media, it will always change. Similar to real life social order..there’s always a change coming and like lingo advances and mutates so will online socialization. Snapchat has not only jumped in front of the curve but they’re also paving the road as society catches up. It’s no longer a taboo app with sexualized connotations; it’s a real way to communicate with friends in a unique and fun way that constantly evolves.