5 Ways to Use Facebook Chat Without visiting Facebook.com

May 18, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Facebook Chat is one of the most popular chatting services on the web today. Since a lot of people are on Facebook, it is only fitting that Facebook chat is the most used chat service. It is fast, simple, and efficient. It lets you connect with your friends, send them files, and more. You can also video or voice call your friends on Facebook. And now, Facebook even tells you when the other person got your message, so they can’t claim they didn’t read it (:P). All these features make it not just popular, but also one of the best chat services in the world. However, visiting Facebook.com every time you need to chat isn’t practical. So how to use Facebook chat without using Facebook.com? Let’s look at five great services that let you chat on Facebook without going to the website.

1. Skype

Skype is a very popular messenger for desktop and mobile platforms. You can connect your Facebook account with Skype, and chat with your friends just as you would chat on Skype. To do this, go to the Skype Download page, and download the version of Skype appropriate for your platform. Download and install Skype.
Once done, open up Skype and go to View >> Skype Home. There, you’ll see a cog button. Click on it and you’ll get an option to connect Facebook. That’s all you need to do. Once connected, you can chat with the friends online on Facebook. Read in detail about this;

2. Nimbuzz

Nimbuzz is one of the best chat clients for mobile devices. It is a VoIP and IM client that can connect with multiple accounts of yours, including Facebook, hotmail, Google Talk, and of course, Nimbuzz’s own. It is available for every smartphone platform, including old ones like Symbian. Nimbuzz also allows free voice calls, and it has integration for Twitter. Definitely one of the best options for you if you frequently use mobile devices.

3. Digsby

Digsby is another great service that will keep you updated. You can link your Facebook, Twitter, GMail, and LinkedIn accounts with it. Like Nimbuzz, it will also allow you to call up your friends. Another great and unique feature is, if you have another Facebook account, you can link that too and chat with the combined friend database from the two accounts. Digsby also shows you Notifications from your Facebook account(s), so you may know what’s happening out there.

4. Meebo

Meebo is another, very popular chatting client that is widely used for its simplicity and ease of use. It connects almost every major chatting service into a single account you can easily use, just like Nimbuzz. It is a desktop-browser client, which means it requires a web browser. But the advantage is, you can access it even if Facebook is blocked in your area.

5. Adium

If you use a Mac, Adium is perhaps your best bet. It is an IM client that you can connect with your AIM, MSN, Jabber, Yahoo, Facebook, and lot more (look at the image below). Pretty much like the other clients, but unlike others, it is available for Mac.
That were the top 5 most popular clients for Facebook chat. If you know of any clients better than these, then please do tell us! Chat away and stay blessed