What is the Facebook Timeline Movie Maker?

May 18, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Most of you by now know what the fuss is all about regarding Facebook Timeline view. The Timeline view is a different, more organized representation of your life and time spent on Facebook. But not everybody appreciates it though, especially since Facebook has been just short of enforcing it. Like it or not, Facebook pages have already been converted to the Timeline view by default, thank you very much. And with a growing number of Timeline users, it will only be a matter of time before Facebook profiles are enforced too. So whether you like it or not, you might need to get used to t, if you aren’t already.

Facebook has introduced many new systems that are intelligent and provide efficiency to the user. An example is the auto tagging feature, where Facebook will tag pictures with your friends automatically. Well now, the Timeline Movie Maker is another. Simply put, it is a video feature based on your Facebook timeline.
With that being said, let’s talk a little more about the Timeline view itself. It is a chronological representation of your entire life as known by Facebook. Of course, it might be a little unnerving that all your posts, pictures, videos, and life events etc are more easily accessible to your friends and other people. But hey! Facebook is all about sharing. And you can always set custom privacy. So with sharing in mind, Facebook introduced the Timeline Movie maker for Facebook users.

What is the Facebook Timeline Movie Maker?

Facebook Timeline movie is basically a story of your life on Facebook as it is on your Timeline. It is developed using pictures, videos, and other posts on your Timeline. Facebook Timeline Movie Maker is an app that creates one such movie for you.
Facebook developed this project in collaboration with Definition6. And I must say, it is a very innovative idea. This app creates an interesting 1 minute movie for your Timeline, and adds special effects to the movie such as background music, transitions etc.

How to create Timeline Movie?

This is a really simple process. It’s much like installing the Timeline view itself, though with some things changed. Now for a decent Timeline movie, you need to have a decent collection of images, status updates / posts, and other life events’ information. Once you have the necessary things, you are set to go. Just follow the steps below.
  • Go to the Timeline Movie Maker app
  • Log in to Facebook beforehand, or log in through the app
  • Click on the button that says “Make Your Movie”. This is where the app might ask you to log in. You will need to grant access permissions to this app for accessing your data.
  • Sit back and wait for the movie to be processed.
Once the movie is done rendering, you can preview it. If you like it, then you can directly share / post to your Timeline. Else, you can start over. You will have the option of selecting the images that you want to be featured. Remove unwanted images from the thumbnails given below the movie panel. Additionally, you can choose from among five music scores to go with your video.
There you have it. You now have an awesome movie to share with your friends. You can also use it to preserve your best memories. And if you have a separate Facebook profile for your blog or business, you can give it a professional look, which you can then use to promote your business!
If you get around to make a movie, tell s about your experience. Also, don’t forget to share this post on Facebook, so that others can learn about how they can create a movie for themselves.