Sharing Publication on Facebook

May 18, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

There are two methods for sharing publications on Facebook. The first is for sharing any publication when reading on issuu. The second is for sharing your own publications via your Publisher Homepage.

When Reading on issuu
To share via Facebook when reading any issuu publication:
1. Select "SHARE" below the publication and then the Facebook icon. 
2. Customize the post. (If not already signed in to Facebook, you’ll be prompted to do that first.)
3. When ready, select “Post to Facebook.”

From Your Publisher Homepage
To share your own publications on Facebook:
1. Navigate to the publication in your Publication List and select "SHARE.”
2. Choose the Facebook icon.  
3. Follow steps 2 and 3 from the “When Reading on issuu” method above.

Troubleshooting (2 Issues)
“Document Not Available”
Occasionally when sharing on Facebook, you may receive the error message "Document not available." To resolve this:
1. Go to the post on Facebook.
2. From the dropdown menu inside the post, select "Refresh share attachment."

3. Choose "Save" in the bottom righthand corner.

4. If this doesn’t resolve the problem, remove the post from Facebook, then use Facebook’s debug tool to clear the cache.
5. Enter the issuu document share URL, select “debug” and then “Fetch new scrape information.”
6. Clear your browser cache and history, then restart your browser.
7. Finally, repost the document on Facebook.

“Improper URL”
Another reason your publication may not be showing up on Facebook is if the URL ends in an underscore (_). If the publication isn’t yours, try reaching out to the publisher to make them aware of the problem by sharing this article. If the publication is yours, follow these steps:  
1. Change the filename of your publication so it doesn’t end with an underscore.
2. Re-upload the publication to issuu.
3. Once the publication is ready on issuu, go back and follow one of the two sharing methods at the top of this article.
If you are still experiencing problems, we'd be happy to take a closer look. Please submit a ticket via the "SUBMIT A REQUEST" option at the top of this page.