6 New Features and Changes to Facebook You Should Know

May 20, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Customize What You See in News Feed

The Facebook News Feed can get overwhelming at times, and you often see trivial updates from acquaintances, while missing important posts from people you care about. To avoid this, Facebook has finally introduced News Feed Preferences to prioritize what you see in the news feed. With the new preferences, you can:
  • Prioritize your friends so the important people show up first. Just tap to star your favorites, Facebook will make sure their posts pop up first.
  • Unfollow acquaintances in bulk, so that you still appear as friends without seeing their posts in your timeline. It’s on the best ways to clean up your news feed.
  • Reconnect with people you unfollowed, just in case you made a mistake.
  • Follow brands and pages in bulk.
This option is already available in the iOS app and has rolled out to a few Android users, but will be available across Android and Web in the coming weeks, so be patient if you don’t already see it.

Add a Legacy Contact to Handle Your Account After You Die

Once you die, what happens to your Facebook account, with all your messages and photos and data? Much like you’d make a will to give your physical assets to a loved one, Facebook lets you give control of your account to someone.
It’s called a Legacy Contact, and it’s pretty easy to add one. Just choose someone from your Facebook friends, and choose whether you want them to be able to download an archive of all your photos, posts and profile information.
  • Your Legacy Contact will be given the ability to write a post at the top of your timeline, respond to friend requests, and change the profile and cover photos.
  • Your Legacy Contact cannot impersonate you. They can talk on your account, but only as themselves, not as you.
  • You can also choose to not add a Legacy Contact and instead delete your account on your death.
You really should enable this feature right away because if you don’t, the process of getting access to a deceased person’s account is tedious. You don’t want to put your loved ones through that. How To Access A Deceased Relative's Digital Accounts How To Access A Deceased Relative's Digital Accounts While the Internet has already provided for ways to remove your deceased loved one's digital accounts , there is occasionally the need to access them. Sometimes it's for will information - other times it has... 
For a more comprehensive handover of all your digital accounts, one simple trick can protect your online legacy.

Look Through Your FB History with On This Day

At this point, Facebook is pretty much a digital history of your life. Just like sites to find out what happened on this day in history, Facebook now lets you jump back in time to see what was happening in your life on any given day. It’s called On This Day, and it’s pretty neat. 5 Websites To Go Back In Time & Find Out What Happened This Day In History 5 Websites To Go Back In Time & Find Out What Happened This Day In History   
You can check your history any time by visiting Facebook.com/OnThisDay, but you won’t always get a hit. Instead, switch on the notifications for OnThisDay, so that whenever there’s a historical event, it will either show up in your News Feed or Facebook will alert you about that event.
And just like any post, you can share that memory with your friends. Cool, right?

Create a Private, Controlled Scrapbook of Your Child’s Photos

If you’re on Facebook, you can’t escape photos of children posted by proud parents. But parents also want to protect their child’s online persona and make sure all the photos are in one place, and that they have control over who sees them. Facebook’s new Scrapbook is the best way to handle your kid’s pictures.
  • Any adult and their partner can set up a digital scrapbook for their child by going to About > Family and Relationships > Create a Scrapbook.
  • Only the two partners can control the scrapbook, and only the two partners can tag the child in a photo.
  • Choose a tag for your child, like his/her name, or “kiddo”, or whatever. Any photo where either partner uses that tag will automatically be added to the scrapbook.
  • The partners can customize the privacy settings for each photo, and will get a notification if a picture has been set to “Public” or not.
Scrapbook is a great way for parents to take amazing photos for their kids and safely share them, as well as maintain a secure album for the future. You can check out the Scrapbooks FAQ for more information. Top Tips: How To Take Amazing Digital Photos Of Your Kids Top Tips: How To Take Amazing Digital Photos Of Your Kids While owning the right equipment, and knowing how to use that equipment successfully, can help anyone take good quality photographs, more important is the knowledge of how to take a good shot. Some people are... 

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