Streaming to Facebook Live via Livestream Studio

May 18, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Log in to Facebook.

Navigate to the 'Stream' tab in the lower right corner of Studio, then click the Facebook logo.
Click Sign in to Facebook. A browser window will open.
Enter your Facebook credentials, and select whether you wish to stay logged into Livestream Studio. Then click Log In.
Livestream Studio will request several permissions, including your friend lists, events, ability to post, and access to pages you manage. Click Continue As... to continue.
We recommend setting your default audience settings to Public, especially if you ever intend to stream to an audience beyond your friends list. You can adjust audience settings for individual streams within Livestream Studio before you go live.
Click OK to finish permission settings.
When authorization is complete, you can close your browser window.

Configure Facebook Settings

The Stream module in Livestream Studio will now present various setting to configure, as seen below.
  1. In the 'Post As' dropdown, you can choose between your personal profile, any pages you admin, or any groups you admin.
  2. 'Stream to' will allow you to stream to either your page or events on Facebook.
  3. 'Share with' lets you choose which audience you would like to share your stream with.
  4. Check 'Continuous Live' if you wish to keep streaming beyond Facebook's four-hour streaming limit (note that this will not send out additional notifications or save VOD's from each four-hour segment).
If you scroll down and click 'Advanced Settings,' you can a variety of options for customizing your live video post on Facebook. Such as adding tags for other pages on Facebook, and audience targeting tools
You can also provide other metadata for your stream, such as targeted countries and what language the broadcast will be in. You can also select which network to stream over, if you have multiple available.
When you have finished with these settings, click Done.
Before starting your stream, there are additional options you can see when you hover your mouse over the Facebook icon on the bottom of the module.
Click the pin icon to add your location.
Click the tagged person icon to tag a Facebook friend to your live video post on Facebook.
If you need to revisit your settings, click the gearwheel icon to re-open the configuration window.

Go Live to Facebook

Choose a name, quality, and aspect ratio for your stream.
Tip: When selecting 1:1, you can choose to display a yellow safe area in either all of your sources, or in only the Preview and Program monitors so you can easily frame your shots properly.
Click 'Go Live' to start your stream.
Once you are live, you can view your stream by hovering the mouse over the Facebook logo and clicking the URL in the menu that pops up.
The stream will appear in your Facebook timeline after about 10 seconds.
When you want to end your stream, click the red 'Streaming' button.
The broadcast will end promptly and the stream will save on your Facebook timeline for on-demand playback.