5 Facebook Privacy Settings to Keep Teens Safe

May 15, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Facebook Privacy Settings

Facebook privacy settings are an important part of keeping teens save from predators who are everywhere just waiting for naive teens to introduce themselves. That's why you need to use Facebook privacy settings to keep teens safe while they have fun on Facebook. These Facebook privacy settings will help keep your teen safe on Facebook.
Facebook is a fun place to spend time on the Net. With all the games and gadgets, teens could spend hours just playing around and having a good time.

At the same time, they're conversing with their friends and keeping up with the latest gossip.
We know these are not the only things that can happen on a website like Facebook. There are predators everywhere just waiting for naive teens to introduce themselves. That's why we need to find out the best ways to keep teens safe while they have fun on Facebook.

Before We Start Changing Facebook Privacy Settings
Here are some Facebook safety settings that you can use to keep strangers away from teens on Facebook. Before we can start changing Facebook privacy settings you'll need to get to the right page.
At the top of your Facebook page you'll see a link that says "Settings". When you hold your mouse over that link a menu will pop up. Click on "Privacy Settings" from that menu.
Now we're ready to change your Facebook privacy settings to keep your teens safe.

1. Who Can See Your Teen's Profile Information?
It's important to make sure that strangers (aka those not on the friend list) can't see your teen's profile information.
This includes such things as photos, personal information, videos, their friend list, and anything else they may include on their profile.
To adjust your teen's Facebook profile security settings start at the privacy settings page. Then click on the "Profile" link. From here you can change the privacy settings for your teen's Facebook profile.

2. Who Can See Your Teen's Photos?
Don't let just anyone see the photos your teen puts up. Teens like to post photos of themselves and their friends, definitely something you don't want a predator to see. This is a setting you'll have to teach your teen to use, or go in occasionally and do yourself. Each photo has it's own setting so every time a photo is added, the security setting will need to be changed.
To adjust individual photo settings on your teen's Facebook profile start at the privacy settings page. Then, as before, click on the "Profile" link. Scroll down the page a bit and you'll see a link that says "Edit Photo Albums Privacy Settings", click on this link. Now choose "Only Friends" as the privacy setting for every photo to keep your teen safest.

3. Who Can See Your Teen's Personal Information?
These are things like your teen's IM screen name, email address, website URL, address and phone number. There's no way you want this information out there for all to see. Go in and change this Facebook privacy setting immediately.
From the Facebook privacy page again click on "Profile".
This time also click on the "Contact Information" tab to change these privacy settings. Change all the security settings on this page to "No One" for the most secure setting.

4. Who Can Find Your Teen's Profile?
As a default setting on Facebook, anyone can do a search and find anyone else using Facebook's search tool. Keep people from finding your teen's profile in the first place by changing this Facebook privacy setting.
Starting from Facebook's privacy page click on "Search". Where it says "Search Visibility" choose the options that says "Only Friends". Then under where it says "Public Search Listing" make sure the box is unchecked.
These settings will ensure that only people on your teen's friend list will be able to find him in search.

5. How Can People Contact Your Teen?
When someone comes across your teen's profile they may want to contact them for some reason. Maybe to ask to be added to her friend list or maybe to ask her a question. You can control what that person can see on your teen's profile while they're there.
Starting from Facebook's privacy page click on "Search". Then scroll down to the bottom of the page. There you'll see the "How Can People Contact You" section. Choose to disallow strangers from seeing your teen's photo or their friend list. Then choose whether to allow or disallow people from adding your teen as a friend. Most importantly, you'll need to decide whether you want strangers to be able to contact your teen at all.