will ever facebook end ?

May 18, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Since noone seems to have answered this question but saying that FB will probably not end at all, I'll give it myself a try.

FB will end by failing to innovate and re-invent itself in order to keep its platform interesting, modern and appealing to all its user base. Years ago, Google was just a simple (but disrupting) search engine but look at it today: the company has a long-term vision and day-to-day strategy to make it true. Today, Google is a comprehensive set of services and technologies that you won't say it's going to peak anytime soon (like Apple maybe just probably did).

Latest FB innovations, as described in previous answer, seem to have been exclusively in the "monetizing the user base" area without much attention to the "keeping the user base" area, taking it for granted instead.

Ok, G+ has failed being a threat for FB and now FB probably is more relaxed about a massive shift of its users and it is focusing on how to create revenue instead. Yet, I wouldn't forget that FB is a product of time and time passes, new things come, old ones become obsolete.