How To Update Your Facebook Profile Picture Without Notifying Anyone

May 16, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-


A guest post by Dresden Shumaker. 

It’s a small thing, it’s a silly thing, it’s a ridiculous thing to be irked by: but without fail I get flustered when I change my profile photo and then a flurry of notifications happen. Don’t get me wrong, it is incredibly nice for people to take a moment and comment on a photo and I DO appreciate it. What is hard is I worry people feel an obligation to comment or acknowledge profile image changes. I am nothing if I am not angsty. I have always felt it would be great if I could simply upload a new photo, or revert back to an older photo, without setting off a bell and whistle within the timelines of my friends.

I tried the old, “hide from timeline” trick and that seemed to be the answer, but somehow I was never fast enough to catch the image. And within those brief seconds a handful of people were delivered my selfie into their stream. UGH. Embarrassing!!
However, after much tinkering and putzing, I think (I HOPE), I have found a way to change my profile image without notifying the world. Since this was something I was eager to find out how to do I figured I would share it in case others were interested.

Update Your Facebook Profile Picture Without Notifying Anyone

1. Log into Facebook and onto your profile page (your timeline)
2. Under your cover image, select Photos, then + Create Album
3. Open (upload) the new profile image and adjust the Album Privacy to “Only Me”, select “Post Photos”

4. Return to your profile page (your timeline), and click on your existing profile picture, Choose from photos, and select “Photo Albums”
5. Find the image you just uploaded and select “Save Profile Picture” (note: Facebook reminds you this photo will be public soon)

6. Immediately return to your profile page (your timeline) and change the settings of the photo by clicking the Globe icon (for public) and changing to “Only Me”. The image will then have a grey and white border around it letting you know it is private.

You have now changed your profile picture without notifying anyone. Have fun!