How to get your Facebook name approved

May 16, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

We know that it’s very difficult to change your display name on Facebook and it’s not possible to choose any name that you would like to make your display name. The reason behind this strict name policy is to reduce the number of fake profile of popular people, though it’s less effective and more annoying because sometimes it don’t allow us to use our name. This is the case when you are having a common name. For example in Christians the name Jack, Bill e.t.c are so common any many people on Facebook use such kind of names.
Well you just have to keep some points in mind before changing a name so that you can get your name approved by Facebook.
  1. Please don’t use too many capital letter in your name, Facebok will reject it immediately.
  2. Popular celebs, politicians,models name or the name of any popular person will not be approved. Try not to use them.
  3. Don’t try to make a fake Profile by using other person’s name, either it will be rejected immediately or your profile might get banned after some time due to violation of terms.
  4. Try to use your full name, this will make your name unique.
  5. Do not use abusive or slang words.
  6. Do not use special characters like <3 approved.="" be="" it="" li="" t="" won="">
  7. Avoid your nickname.
  8. Don’t use English sentences in a combined or uncombined form.
  9. Mostly they approve a name immediately or within an hour, but if you have requested a completely new name it will take 24 hours to review it by Facebook. So be patient and don’t change your name again and again.