How to Get Old Google Interface Back in a Classic Style

May 03, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

How to Get Old Google Interface Back in a Classic Style

Google changes it’s search interface quite a few occasions. Recently, Google has changed the interface few years back. The new interface is very modern and as a geek, I like the new interface personally. However, there are many people who still love to use the old Google classic interface. The old Google search interface had a black classic toolbar at the top of search pages where you could find some popular  Google service’s links.
In the below picture, you can see the basic difference ofboth Google’s interface: old classic interface and new modern interface.

Old Google Search Page vs New Google Search Page


To get classic interface of old Google’s search page you need to visit the following link.
Get Old Google Classic Search Page Interface

Get Old Google Classic Search Page Interface (in English)

When you visit the link, you will get the old Google page, instead of new Google search interface.
If you want to use this search page every time, then you need to bookmark the page. When you search anything using Google’s old classic interface, the result would be somehow similar to older day’s search style along with black tool-bar.
How to save old Google page? After you visit the link, press Ctrl+D and the page will be added automatically to your favourite list