How can I hide my profile picture on Facebook so that only my friends can see it?

May 15, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Question from Liz T.:  Right now everyone who goes to my Facebook Timeline can see my profile picture. How can I make it so that only my Facebook Friends can see it?

Rick’s answer:  Hi Liz. It’s pretty easy to hide your Facebook profile picture from everyone except your friends. Here’s how: 
1 – Log in to your Facebook account and visit your Timeline page by clicking on your name in the top right corner of the window.

2 – Click on your profile picture. (Important: DON’T click the “Edit Profile Picture” link that pops up!)

3 – Once your profile picture is on the screen, click the Edit link in the horizontal box located in the right-hand pane.

4 – Click the down arrow below the “Date” field and change that setting to Friends.

5 – Click the Done Editing button.

The procedure outlined above will work for any photo in any album, not just your profile picture.
That’s all there is to it Liz. Starting immediately, only your Facebook friends will see your profile photo when they view your profile.