How to clear Instagram search history, particular as well as entire

June 03, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Hello, Instagram users. I am here again with another Instagram tutorial which will help you to clear Instagram search history from Instagram App for iOS and Android. Moreover, this guide will also let you know about how to clear particular search history in case you don’t want to remove entire search suggestions in Instagram.

There is no denying the fact that everyone of us on social media search for other users and Instagram is no different. With searches, comes search history similar to the history of web browsers. There is a good and bad part about it.

Good part being it shows you the recent searches you have made and if in future you want to visit their profile again you can use the suggestion instead of searching again. Another advantage is that Instagram will show search suggestions based on your previous searches.

Coming to the disadvantages, whenever one taps on that search bar, search history shows up. If you happen to use Instagram search with a friend or colleague sitting beside you then definitely they would come to know about the users whose profile you have been stalking.
Search Suggestions
If you don’t want that to happen then go ahead and delete the search suggestions from Instagram right away.