How can you delete all your pictures from Instagram?

June 05, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Here's an option.. it's not great and it's not a true bulk delete but it will help to speed up the process.

1. Once you've logged in (works faster if you do this online through your laptop or desktop computer and NOT through the app), go to your profile and find the photos that you want to remove.
2. Right click on a photo that you want to delete and open it up in a new tab. NOTE: It doesn't matter if you're using Internet Explorer, Opera Browser, Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. They will all work the same way.
3. On the right hand side of the photo you will see your caption for your photo and hashtags associated with it.
4. Create a new hashtag (ensure that "no one else is using this hashtag"). IMPORTANT: The hashtag has to be "unique". This will become your temporary hashtag used solely for the purpose of our semi bulk deletion process. For example: #xyxytempdel01010
5. Add this unique hashtag to each photo that you opened up in new tabs.
6. Once you've completed this, NOW you can open the app and search for your "unique hashtag" and you should see all the photos that you tagged that way. NOTE: Remember that in the Instagram app.. you have 2 options for searching. You can search for "people" and you can search for "hashtags". Be sure that you are searching by "hashtags" for the unique hashtag that you created for the photos that you want to delete.
7. Once your photos come up that are associated with the unique hashtag, you can now select each photo and delete them.

Again it's not a true bulk delete, but it will save you some time.
I think it's absolutely mind blogging that Instagram has not come up with a way to delete multiple photos at once and that users are forced to explore workarounds for something that should have been integrated into their platform from the very beginning.

I hope that you find this workaround useful and that you share it with anyone else that is struggling to find a faster way to delete their Instagram photos.