Automatically add a space at the end of Instagram posts

June 06, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

If your Instagram post ends with a hashtag, Instagram will automatically suggest new hashtags when you paste the text. For example, if I post:
Make Mine Marvel! #marvel
Then when I post it, Instagram pops up a window with:
#marvel 12,486,468 posts
#marvelvscapcon 30,126 posts
#marvellegends 404,324 posts
...and so on. It takes an extra step to dismiss this hashtag menu before posting.
Solution: Provide an option (or default behavior) to add a trailing space to Instagram posts, so the hashtag auto-completion menu won't come up. Auto-completion makes less sense when you're pre-writing your posts, and if you're posting to Instagram several times a day, the time savings adds up!