April 24, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

How and why does certain forms of music elicit different emotions in us?


I strongly believe that music does carry memory/emotions with it,this happens to everyone I guess and the reason is because the song which you hear at that particular phase in your life is someway or the other related to you….the tune or the lyrics or whatever,whenever it comes up you start relating it to your life and thus it gets permanently stored in your memory.
Music gives you goosebumps because knowingly or unknowingly you listen to the kind of music that has the lyrics which resembles exactly the same feeling you are going through,whether it may be joy,sorrow,pain,anger whatever……you start relating your present status to the song which is being heard and guess what it then becomes one of the most played songs in your playlist and then you feel the song was just written for you…down the line you may stop listening to that song but in future whenever you listen to that song again the memories associated with it reappear and this gives you goosebumps again and again and again whenever it is heard.