11 Ways to Sound Like a Better Lover

April 30, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

11 Ways to Sound Like a Better Lover



© Donna Barstow All Rights Reserved
Source: © Donna Barstow All Rights Reserved
My last cartoon for Psychology Today was on how to read his mind.
But let's talk about love. You want to stand out in the crowd, don't you? This is how to get his or her attention in a subtle, yet forceful way: Write (or text) a Love Letter. Hardcopy is always better, and quality paper and real stamps make a great impression.
The content is your choice, but should include a reference to some activity you did together, or will do, a compliment (or several), and a promise of good things to come. But even if you just send a card, you'll need to sign it in a memorable way.
This is a collection of 11 salutations you will want to choose from, to sign off and be remembered. Be the lover you were meant to be!

Your ever-loving, (from Dracula!)
I kiss you,
With anticipation,
Thinking sweet thoughts of you,
Adieu! take care of yourself; and, I entreat you, write!  (Jane Austen) (works for texting, too)
Until the end of time,
Yours till the chocolate chips,
With purest love,
Hugs and kisses on all your pink parts ( by Christian Slater)
All my lovin'
My heart belongs to you always,

And a quotation that will wow anyone:
Then I did the simplest thing in the world. I leaned down... and kissed him. And the world cracked open. ~Agnes de Mille