April 24, 2017 0 Comments A+ a-

Why do we have so much hate in this world?


I think an awful lot of people have a real problem with hate. Don't get me wrong. Boy, do I hate! I hate EVERYTHING that hurts people. So, I hate a lot of human behaviors that cause so much grief to other people. I refuse to hate people. the only thing I hate is the evil that people do to each other. There is a big difference. I think only very immature people hates a person because of their behavior. I'm sort of a hate-the-sin, love-the-sinner type of person. Some of us do exist, Chris. If you look hard enough, you will find us. We volunteer at hospitals, soup-kitchens, homeless shelters, and libraries. We attend church, synagogue, mosque, or temple.
Violence has become the norm throughout the world, especially considering the recent terrorist attacks . One would be led to believe that violence will never end in the world.
If you look back at world history, you will see that violent behavior has been around since the beginning of time. Not one world leader successfully implemented a plan in which world peace was sustained. Having a world without violence would be like having a world without the sun or moon. It’s sad to say that violence will be around until the leaders of the greatest nations on earth work together to achieve world peace. Peace is possible, but there is no easy way to accomplish this mission. When evil men with diabolical intentions are in a position to spread their rhetoric to the masses of people, then you will have wars and rumors of wars. What will it take to achieve world peace?